Thursday, 17 December 2009

Romm's Progress

I have been concentrating so hard on writing about addons for World of Warcraft here that I've completely neglected to report on Romm's progress through Azeroth. He's obviously been pretty busy leveling up and getting his trade skill's sorted out. I'm going to talk about trade skills in a later post, this topic is a going to be a bit fluffier today - hooray!

After the jump, a few experiences of a Bovine Druid who only seems to come out after dark.

Of course my first port of call was the guild, , run by and containing only old friends. Not quite the ethos of an online community I know but to be fair we all belong to other guilds on other characters too - this one's just for us. It was nice to be back in the guild and get the fairly standard response: "Moo", a good respectable Herd that one.

Remember me talking about spamming the life out of Wrath well finally I've gotten to add Entangling Roots and Moonfire to my spell rotation which certainly makes solo questing a bit easier now.  Of course the major events in a young druid's progress always involve shapeshifting. I will confess at this point that yes I have leveled a druid a little way before - level 30 to be precise. So I know exactly where I am aiming with this character and that is a restoration build primarily (I love healing - sorry, but that's the way it is). Anyway back to shapeshifting. I went and picked up Bear Form at about level 11, had a quick check on the damage meters and realised I was still getting a higher dps (damage per second) by using spells. That being said - it doesn't stop the new(ish) bear graphics kicking some serious donkey!
Being slightly allergic to tanking these days due to my first and long-term character being a protection warrior I don't think "RAWR"-form is going to get much of a look in. Plus I've never been one for leveling on the easiest build, except perhaps BM Hunters... lets not go there.
So we've been to Moonglade, Thunderbluff (threw a snowball at Cairne Bloodhoof for the achievement) and Orgrimmar. So far so fun! Now we're in to the long haul that is questing in the Barrens having just dinged level 13 and wandered over to the Crossroads. Of course, hope is on the horizon to quash that low-level questing burn-out and that is the new Dungeon-Finder tool. I'll certainly be devoting at least one post to this in the near future. As soon as I hit level 15 and can actually use the damn thing I'll be perma-queued for healing duties!

One thing I've not discovered yet is whether you can now queue for instances that used to pain a royal pain to get to depending on your faction. For example, am I as Horde now going to be able to queue for Dead Mines runs in my late teens and not worry about getting there becase of the new instance porting? Are those smelly Alliance peoples going to be crashing around in Rage Fire Chasm? Who knows? I certainly don't yet but I'll be sure to be watching out for it.

Coming up next, some talk about trades and skills. Once that's done we should be ready to hit some instances! I'll leave you with this picture which should serve as a warning to all about using cheap airlines. Why oh why does it take so long to get a zeppelin to Orgrimmar?

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