Friday, 5 March 2010

Meet the family

What's going on here? Why is that elf staring at Rag? Where's Romm? Where have I been? In other words... WTF?

Ok confession to make - I've been slack at updating the blog, I'm not going to make any excuses - I'm just slack. Although it has given me a couple of months to address my return to Azeroth and where I have been going with it. After all this was an experiment in rejoining the World of Warcraft after a break.

Well I have been playing plenty in the last couple of months and we shall have a look at where we're going with it all after the break. WARNING: Girlie elves a plenty will follow... don't say I didn't warn you!

So where's Romm? He's parked at the moment. After a few Rage Fire Chasm healing missions I got a little frustrated knowing full well I had a higher level resto druid parked elsewhere. So me being me I went back to her.

Meet Gwenddydd, she was level 30 when I picked her back up and specced fully resto. So I hit the all new Looking For Group utility and went healing mad. Oh those heady days of continual Scarlet Monestary runs!

One very noticable point was that speccing in Resto at that level made healing so ridiculously easy - I forever had to plead with tanks to pull groups of five at least otherwise there was almost no point in me being there - especially those darn paladin tanks with their self-healing nonsense.

Gwen is now level 47 and currently getting a little fed up of running Zul'Farrak, but notice the lovely set pieces Jinxed Hoodoo Kilt and Jinxed Hoodoo Skin. Not long now though until she turns  into a tree.

Gwen has also just dual specced to Balance so much Boomkin fun has also been had (though at the moment it seems to involve spamming hurricane lots).

So how on Azeroth does this tie in with the picture of Rag?

Meet Aeia (and Errol). Aeia was my first ever alt after getting very bored leveling a warrior at about level 38. Interestingly she never overtook the warrior but made it up to 70 in good time. The problem with having a top level tank is your dps alt never gets a look in.

Anyway, running around Stormwind one evening someone was asking for more folks for a Molten Core run - I love MC and asked if I could bring Aeia along a whirlwind 85 minute MC clear later - I was in love with her again.

She's currently level 73, dual specced Beast Mastery for solo leveling and Marksmanship for instancing.

So last but by no means least we have the new kid on the block - I've always wanted a mage and here she is, just hit level 15 and doing a bit of Rage Fire Chasm, my little frost mage Ebitha. There's not a lot to tell about her at the moment as she's just getting started.

So there we have it - three characters ranged nicely across the levels so plenty of things to talk about I hope. Hopefully at some point I should be getting some guest posts up here too and the fun that is RtA will be revived once more.

I'll leave you with a pic of the ol' firelord going down (again).

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